Milchriis: Swiss-style comfort food

Rich and soul-warming, milk rice (or Milchriis in Schwiizertüütsch, pronounced [ˈmilχˌriːs]) is a traditional Swiss dinner with a high addiction potential. We rarely go ten days without cooking it.

For some reason, however, it is highly polarizing — people either love it or hate it. Most likely, the main reason for the latter demography is simply the astounding proliferation of bad recipes. In the wrong hands, milk rice ends up bland and unsatisfying, and no amount of vanilla will change that. The secret to good milk rice is as simple as it is effective: Salt, very little sugar, and most importantly, lemon zest.

Of course, some people just dislike sweetish dinners for reasons unfathomable. If you are one of those, perhaps you can try this recipe as part of a Sunday brunch instead.

Source family recipe plus some subtle improvement of our own Difficulty trivial Time 25 min Serves 2

Milchriis with applesauce and lemon tea… mmm. ;o)

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